Gums Healing After Deep Teeth Cleaning
A deep cleaning of the teeth is an important procedure for patients who have early signs of gum disease. This may include red or swollen gums, increased sensitivity, and gums which begin to recede. Patients with these types of symptoms may have gum disease and require a deep cleaning. A deep cleaning is intended for patients who have early signs of gum disease and is not intended to be used in severe cases of periodontitis.
This article will discuss common questions regarding a deep cleaning and how to care for the teeth and gums following the procedure. Early intervention is critical in the treatment of gum disease. Gingivitis is the earliest form of gum disease and when it is left untreated, will worsen over time. It is important for patients to address gum disease early to ensure the disease does not progress. If a patient requires a deep cleaning, they need to act quickly. Gum disease which is left untreated can result in periodontitis and cause long-term damage.
It is not recommended to eat a lot before patients undergo a deep cleaning. In addition, patients should not eat after the deep cleaning until the numbness from the anesthesia begins go away. When patients eat with a numb mouth, they are more likely to bite into their gums or tongue. This is incredibly painful and can delay the healing process.
The gums and teeth will be quite sensitive immediately following the deep cleaning. This sensitivity will likely last for a few hours. As a result, patients should avoid eating the following foods which can cause issues with the healing process:
- Acidic foods
- Hard or chewy food
- Sharp or crunchy foods
- Food such as popcorn which can easily get stuck in the gums
It is common for patients to experience some level of pain or discomfort following a deep cleaning. In most cases, an over-the-counter pain medication such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol can be used to ease the discomfort. Patients should follow the instructions and recommended dosage.
Swelling and discomfort are common for a few days up to a few weeks following the procedure. Patients can use an ice pack or compress on the cheeks to help reduce the swelling. In cases where the swelling is severe or does not improve over time, patients should follow up with their dentist.
For about 48 hours following the treatment, patients may noticed a pinkish hue in their saliva. This is due to the bleeding which may occur. If the bleeding continues after 48 hours or worsens, follow up with the dentist. Patients should avoid rinsing their mouth for the first 48 hours after a deep cleaning.
Below is a summary of restrictions which should be followed immediately after a deep cleaning:
- Do not eat while the mouth is numb
- Avoid eating sharp, crunchy, grainy, or challenging foods for at least the first 24 hours
- Do not consume hot beverages for at least 48 hours
- The mouth should not be rinsed for at least 48 hours
Do gums reattach after deep cleaning?
Following a deep cleaning, the gums will reattach. The procedure ensures gum reattachment through the removal of obstructions, bacteria, plaque, and tartar. Once the infection and tartar is removed, the dentist will smooth the roots which allows for the gums to properly heal around the teeth and reattach. On average, it will take the gums about five days to heal completely.