Titanium Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent solution commonly used to restore missing teeth. Implants allow patients to enjoy the foods they love without the discomfort of removable dentures. Dental implants are specially designed to fuse with bone. As a result, implant acts as a strong and secure foundation for dentures and permanent crowns. Implants provide both the function and appearance of natural teeth.

There are three main components of a dental implant. This includes the actual implant, which is commonly called the post. The implant is surgically placed into the jawbone. An abutment then screws on top of the implant and connects the third main component, which is the crown. The crown is the portion of the implant which gives the solution a natural tooth appearance. The crown covers both the implant and the abutment.

In most cases, the screw is created from titanium or other materials which are biocompatible. In 1952, Dr. Per-Ingvar Branemark, a scientist from Sweden, discovered that titanium successfully bonded with the bone. Following this discovery, titanium started to be commonly used in dental implants, knee and joint replacement, and prostheses for the head and face.

While there are a few different types of dental implants which can be used, titanium implants are the most common choice and the preferred options for oral surgeons. They are the optimal solution for preserving the density of the bone, and are the most durable solution.

Similar to other types of implants, titanium implants are surgically placed directly into the jawbone. The will remain securely anchored in place and the bone will eventually fuses to the screw. Titanium implants work by mimicking the tooth’s natural root. Subperiosteal implants, however, are positioned above the jawbone and underneath the tissue of the gums. As a result, this type of implant is not nearly as stable compared to a titanium implant.


There is a great deal of advanced training and skill required for successfully placing dental implants. It is important to work with a board-certified oral surgeon who specializes in implants. The first step of the process typically includes a consultation and examination. This helps ensure that your needs are met and allows the dentist to discuss the procedure, timeline, cost, and expected results. In order to complete the entire process, a few appointments are required. The second appointment will include the placement of the implant post into the jawbone. The implant area will heal over the next few months fuse to the bone. Once the healing is complete, the abutment is connected to the implant. Lastly, the permanent crown will be placed on top of the abutment.


In addition to osseointegration, or fusing to the bone effectively, titanium is generally accepted by the body and does not have any harmful effects. It is a nontoxic and non-allergenic material. Titanium dental implants can remain in place for 30+ years.


Titanium is part of a group of corrosion-resistant alloy metals. It resists typical corrosion through the formation of a protective layer of titanium dioxide. This protective layer makes it difficult for substances such as water and chemicals to penetrate.

Strong and Sturdy

Titanium is incredibly strong and extremely lightweight. It is actually lighter and stronger than steel. In addition, it is able to return to its original shape after bending.

Mini Dental Implants

For patients who may not be good candidates for conventional dental implants, mini dental implants may be a possible solution. Mini implants are smaller and can often be used in cases where there is inadequate bone for a traditional implant.

Zirconia Dental Implants Information