What Causes Bleeding Gums?

For the 70% of American adults with gum disease, the most common symptom experienced is inflamed and bleeding gums. But beyond gum disease, there are a number of other potential causes for bleeding gums. Occasional gum bleeding is often caused by aggressive tooth brushing or improper flossing technique. But gums that bleed frequently or won’t stop bleeding may be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. The first step to treating gums that have started bleeding is to identify the possible cause. Below is more information to help you get an idea of the numerous possible causes of bleeding gums.

Possible Conditions That Cause Bleeding Gums

Commonly, an underlying dental condition is the primary cause of bleeding gums. If you have bleeding gums and visit your dentist, the first things your provider will want to rule out are:

Gingivitis: Gingivitis, Or The Earliest Stage Of Gum Disease, Develops When Plaque Is Left On The Gumline Too Long. Plaque Contains Bacteria That Stick To The Teeth And Attacks The Gums. Daily Brushing And Flossing Are Essential To Removing Plaque And Preventing The Development Of Gingivitis. Puffy And Swollen Gums That Bleed Lightly Are The First Symptoms Of Gingivitis.

Periodontitis: When Gingivitis Is Left Untreated And Allowed To Progress, It Can Develop Into Periodontal Disease (Periodontitis). Periodontitis Is When An Infection Develops In The Gums, Jawbone, And Tissues That Connect Your Teeth And Gums.


Other Possible Causes

Beyond the stages of gum disease, there are a number of other possible causes of bleeding gums, including:

  • A Poor Diet: A Diet Deficient In Vitamin C Or K May Also Contribute To The Gums Bleeding Easily. These Vitamins Are Important In Restoring Your Tooth Health, Boosting Your Immunity, And Helping Your Blood Clot.
  • Poorly Fitting Dentures: Dentures That Are Able To Slip And Slide Or Fit Too Tightly May Also Cause The Gums To Become Irritated And Bleed.
  • Pregnancy: During Pregnancy, The Hormones In The Body Change Dramatically, Which May Cause An Increase Of Blood Flow And Swelling In The Gums.
  • Other Health Conditions: Other Bleeding Disorders, Including Hemophilia And Leukemia, Can Increase The Risk Of Bleeding Gums.


Treatment Of Bleeding Gums

If you recently noticed your gums are irritated and starting to bleed lightly, the first thing you can do is focus more attention on maintaining good oral hygiene. In order to reduce your risk of developing gingivitis, you want to make sure to use proper brushing and flossing techniques to ensure plaque and bacteria are removed from your gum line. Additionally, incorporating antibacterial mouthwash into your daily routine can help to minimize plaque that forms in your mouth and prevent future gum disease and irritation. Rinsing with warm salt water several times a day for a few days can help to treat the gums and reduce swelling and soreness. Lastly, if you have gums that are sensitive, switching to a soft toothbrush or an electric toothbrush with a special head can help reduce the wear and tear on the gums and help allow healing.

How to Stop Bleeding Gums