What Causes Pitted and Defective Enamel?


Your teeth cannot regrow enamel. Because of this, it’s very important to take good care of the enamel of your teeth. In order to do so, it’s crucial to understand what causes pitted and defective enamel, as well as what you can do to avoid it.


What is Tooth Enamel?


Tooth enamel is the thin exterior of a tooth. This tough surface covers the crown of the tooth. While it is very strong, it still can be damaged and eroded. Once it is, it cannot grow back.


What Causes Pitted and Defective Enamel?


There are a variety of things that can cause pitted and defective enamel. These include:


  • Drinking soda and fruit drinks. Drinking soda and fruit drinks that are high in acid can cause severe damage to the enamel of your teeth over time.
  • Acid reflux and heartburn. Acid reflux and heartburn can cause the acid in your stomach to make its way into your mouth. This, in turn, will eventually damage and wear away at the enamel.
  • Bruxism. Bruxism is the grinding and clenching of the teeth. This will eventually damage the surface of your teeth and the enamel if not addressed.
  • Brushing too hard. While people don’t consider brushing when they think of damaging their teeth, it can actually be a major factor. Brushing too hard can cause real damage.
  • Genetics. Genetics is a factor in pitting. It’s important to keep a close eye on pitted teeth that are that way due to genetics.


To avoid pitted and defective enamel, there are a few simple things you can do. First, you’ll want to cut back on soda and fruit drinks that are high in acid. If you have bruxism, make sure you get a night guard. For acid reflux, you may need to see your doctor about medication and/or change your diet.


Signs of Erosion


There are some signs of enamel erosion you’ll want to look for. These signs of erosion include:


  • Pits and fissures
  • Cracks and chips
  • Pain and sensitivity
  • Discoloration


Pitted and defective enamel are often caused by plaque buildup. Over time, the bacteria can turn food starches into acids that eat away at your teeth—leading to damage and pits.


Treatment for Enamel Erosion


To treat enamel erosion, there are a few things your dentist may consider. For minor damage, dental bonding may be an option. If the damage is more severe, though, you may need to have veneers or dental crowns placed.


To avoid treatment for erosion, you may want to ask your dentist about sealants. Proper oral healthcare will also help to prevent erosion.


Contact Us


If you have noticed pitting or other damage to the enamel of your teeth, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Your dentist will perform an exam and get to the root cause of the pits. From there, a treatment plan can be put in place.


We look forward to speaking with you and helping you with your pitted or damaged enamel.

Pits in Tooth Enamel