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Denture Implant Costs

Dentures can be supported by implants, but that is all many people know for certain. While many patients are unaware of the complete process, fortunately, unlike the pre-video tutorial days, there are many clarifications that dental professionals can share.

If you are missing most or all of your teeth, you can get:

  • Dentures supported by implants
  • Bridges supported by implants
  • Dentures retained by implants

The first two options will allow you to have teeth at all times (permanent fixtures). This ensures the patient has permanent fixed teeth and cannot remove them nighly or at all. All restorations that are implant supported can only be removed by a dental professional-this makes daily tasks simpler for the patient.

While you can take out the dentures that your implants merely retain.

Fixed Full-arch Implant-supported Bridges

Firstly, it is recommended to have between four and eight implants, depending on overall stability and the strength of your jaw bone. Then, you get a fixed set of dental bridges for what you need. Getting six is the average, and it works well because it stays stable if one implant ever fails for any reason. This option looks amazing because it has new teeth that are made out of porcelain. Your single jaw can also get treatment with a zirconia bridge, which offers a great form of strength and stability.

How Much is This?

In many cases, a full bridge with implant support costs an average of $24,000 per jaw. This depends a lot on how complex the surgery ends up being, how many dental implants you need and whether your bones need grafts. The dental professional you've chosen for this procedure may also be a variable in the overall cost of the treatment.

If you want your teeth to look amazing, but your jaw bones are not naturally very strong, this can become incredibly pricey as bone grafts may be needed. However, this is potentially the best option for a patient with a majority of missing teeth.


If you have ever dropped something heavy on a bathroom sink, you know that porcelain is prone to getting chipped. In some cases this can be repaired like a crown, but in other cases it can become expensive. If you get between six and eight implants, having one fail is a minor issue. This is also pretty uncommon. On the whole, you do not have a lot of issues to contend with.

Implant-supported Dentures

The dentures themselves are the cost savings in an implant-supported denture situation. On the surgical side, you are still likely looking at between $20,000 and $22,000 per jaw. The number of implants and how much bone grafting you might need are the cost variations.

Telescopic Prosthesis or Implant-supported Overdenture

After your dental implants are installed, the dentist then fits you with a prosthesis that you can remove whenever you want. An arch like this can go for between $16,000 and $25,000. You can use a metal bar or a small telescoping part, as well as the aesthetics and the number of implants all raise or lower the cost. There are a lot of avenues you can take for your denture implants. They all cost a different amount but give you back an amazing smile that is tailored to your lifestyle. Talk to your dental professional about your options.

Our Award Winning Services

Patients will be educated on the type of dentistry they need and will never feel pressured or receive any sales pitch to have treatment.

You will always know the fee before treatment is performed.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain Veneers

Teeth Whitening

Restorative Care

Dental Implants

Dental Bridges

Root Canal Therapy


Children's Dentistry

Periodontal Care

Dental Emergencies

Family Dentistry

Night Guards

Snoring Appliances


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Iowa Dental Group prides ourselves in offering the highest quality dentistry at a fair and reasonable fee.

Iowa Dental Group Des Moines

1233 63rd Street
Des Moines, Ia 50311
(515) 277-6358


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Our Dentists look forward to answering any dentistry related questions or dental concerns you may have regarding your overall oral health and smile.

Iowa Dental Group proudly serves the following areas.

Office Hours
Monday:7:30am - 5:00pm
Tuesday:7:30am - 5:00pm
Wednesday:7:30am - 5:00pm
Thursday:7:30am - 5:00pm